Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Deer Ate My Grapes

hungry deer
the last bunch
I have seven grape vines. Six of them have been eaten down to stubs by the deer for the past 2 or 3 years. One is inside the fence, and so it grows lushly and produces delicious grapes (I'm not sure what kind). Most bunches are outside the fence, but protected. This year there was just one bunch inside the fence, and I tried to protect the outside ones-with old boards, just a couple of days ago as they were approaching perfection.
Today I went out to check, and all but one bunch is gone. GONE!! 

I used to think the deer were so lovely and beautiful and sweet, and was happy to have them around. Reluctantly I have come to resent them at times - mainly for eating my grapes and my apple tree (they took the whole tree down and ate all the apples). One year they ate my little potted Christmas tree.

These are the only plants they have not least I still have a garden!

Black Eyed Susans
Gloriosa Daisies

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